

Negotiating the best deal with your suppliers is a bit of a black art but one thing is for sure, if you are a rubbish client you are not going to get the best deal. Start by putting yourself in your supplier's shoes. What are his/her priorities? What constitutes a good client for him/her? and And how much margin can he/she afford to give up? If you're unsure then just ask the supplier how you could be a better client.

Now strive to become their ideal client and once you are, you are in the best possible position to negotiate the very best deal. Try to negotiate a long term deal (without any commitment) rather than negotiating every time you purchase. This is time consuming and suppliers simply get wise to this and start higher in order for you to knock them down again. Of course re-test the water occasionally to ensure the market has not moved without you to a more favourable position.

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