
Tips for ENERGY

Check when your energy contracts are up for renewal and diarise a time to start making enquiries in order to be ready to renew with the best possible deal. Leave this too late and you may end up with a poorer deal.

Where possible use lower energy devices. An obvious one is lighting - particularly if you have large spaces such as factory floors or warehouses. Traditional lighting solutions in these kind of areas are very expensive to run. LED lighting will cost 25-30% to run and the cost of installation is coming down all the time giving a return on investment within the first 12 months.

A very obvious and extremely effective way to save on energy costs is not to use it in the first place. How strict are you on unused lighting, equipment and radiators being switched off? Make this a priority. Also are there sufficient sub zones for your energy. For example does your entire shop floor lighting switch on together or can you light individual areas?

Energy is a cost that ultimately is only moving one way and that is up using it sparingly is the only answer to making savings long term.

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